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Connect and share with one tap.
Connect to Wifi with one tap.
Connect anywhere with one tap.
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Connect and share with one tap.
Connect to Wifi with one tap.
Connect anywhere with one tap.
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Smart Advertising

While you probably haven’t seen a lot of examples of it yet, the stars have aligned for NFC marketing to take centre stage in 2022’s marketing scene. It’s ubiquitous, easy, and most importantly, highly engaging. 

There’s a definite call to action for people to switch to contactless methods of interaction to avoid the spread of communicable diseases such as the coronavirus. NFC doesn’t simply allow contactless payments; it also ensures that personal data is protected from data breaches that are often the case with online payments.

The fact that the technology is already widely available in most modern high-end smartphones makes it even more enticing to use NFC to market goods and services.

NFC is also quite easy to use. It doesn’t even require power to run it unlike other connectivity technologies such as Bluetooth and infrared. A simple tap is all it needs and data can already be transferred.

It’s also very in tune with the principles of experiential marketing as you tap your smart devices on an NFC tag. It’s marketing that involves and includes customers in the process. And not to mention that the possibilities for consumer engagement via NFC is virtually endless. From promotional videos and menus, to rewards and auto Wi-Fi connection with just one tap.

There’s very little you can’t do with NFC tags. 

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Smart Communication

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