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How it works

Infotap offers a wealth of options for you to choose from if you are looking for innovative, cutting-edge NFC (Near Field Communication) technology to market your brand to your consumers.

Near Field Communication (NFC) is now becoming an integral part of modern-day marketing. NFC technology can be used as a fantastic method of engaging proactively with one’s target audience in ways that were not possible with traditional methods.

Using Smart Tags, Smart Labels, Smart Posters, Smart Business Cards and Smart Marketing Products will allow your clients and customers to use their smartphones to receive all the information you want them to have.  

how it works

How it works

All you need to do is order the products that best suit your campaign(s), we then program your marketing objectives onto the embedded tag and all your customers have to do is tap their NFC enabled smartphone to that particular NFC product and they will instantly have access to all your details and any marketing strategies you plan to use. 

We also provide analytics reports on how well your marketing campaign is performing.

Here are some examples of how Infotap can bring life into your next marketing objectives:


Magazines, in-store displays, bus and subway posters, etc. all offer opportunities for customers to tap an NFC tag with their smart phones and/or tablet.

  • Dive deeper and get more information about your product/service
  • Watch videos
  • Find nearby store locations
  • Connect to social proof (testimonials, social media)
  • Read product reviews

Carry a Smart business card that retrieves all your details with one tap


Ensure that your product instructions and warranty info will never be separated from the physical product. Connect customers to service representative.

An NFC tag can take consumers to a step-by-step video and detailed instructions accessed by NFC tag on physical manual.

With just one tap, people can go directly to enrollment and begin to earn rewards.

A tag embedded on your product can link customers to a website where they can take advantage of offers, order refills, keep up to date on maintenance, or discover related products.

With one tap, a customer can be assured that they have an authentic product and then register their ownership with you.


Shoppers can access expert reviews of the products they are considering and find out what people are saying on social media.

Customers go directly to enrollment and get special offers if their sign-up is completed in-store.

Create tags that deliver information about special offers from your store or from manufacturers.


Place a smart tag in your hotel rooms that allow guests automatically login to the Wi-Fi, make a reservation for dinner, order room service, spa reservation, valet alert, etc.

Create a branded wristband that allows guests to put all hotel/resort purchases on their bills, including restaurants, poolside, boutiques, activities, etc.


Clients can login to the Wi-Fi with a single tap, see the daily specials or view the entire menu on their smart device and place their order.

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